It’s time for early summer home maintenance tasks to keep the place you love operating smoothly. The good news is, we’ve come up with 6 that are easy to do, so you can spend the rest of your time on more important things like relaxing.
Why not schedule one a day? In less than a week, they’ll be done, and you’ll be chilling with a cool beverage.
Chimney cleaning: It’s true; you won’t need your fireplace or furnace for at least three months. That’s why now is the perfect time to get the chimney cleaned, when the professionals are available. If you have a wood stove, remember to get a certified WETT (Wood Energy Technology Transfer) specialist to do the job; he or she can also inspect your appliance and chimney for safety.
Ceiling fans: If they are turning clockwise, they’re going in the wrong direction. Ceiling fans should turn counterclockwise in the summer to provide a cooling breeze. Reverse the direction in the fall. Learn more about ceiling fan operation and installation.
Sump pump: If you didn’t test your sump pump in the early spring, do it now as part of your early summer home maintenance routine. With climate change, intense rainfalls are becoming more common. You don’t want to find out that your pump isn’t functioning just when you need it.
Smoke and carbdetectors: These should be tested monthly to help keep your family safe and your home protected. In fact, a study found Canadian homes with at least one functional smoke alarm are 49 per cent less likely to have fatality in the event of a fire. Find out more about testing here.
Mulch: Save water, reduce weeding and keep the soil friable by applying 4 to 5 inches of mulch to your gardens. Good quality mulch will need only a refresher topping next year. Find it at Ritchie Feed & Seed or other garden centres.
Outdoor play equipment: Periodically check play structures and other outdoor equipment for stability. Are pieces loose or damaged? Are wooden parts showing signs of rot or excessive wear or splinters? Are all bolts snug and safety bars in place? For more, check these playground safety tips from the Canada Safety Council.
Got a maintenance task you’re not sure how to do?
Drop us a line at info@allthingshome.ca or message us through Facebook.